> > Princess Turandot Carlo Gozzi Vakhtangov Theatre
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Princess Turandot Carlo Gozzi Vakhtangov Theatre

Ignatiy Nivinsky

  • Year: 1923
  • Country: Russia
  • Language: Russian
  • Subject: Theatre
  • Dimensions: Width: 24.00cm Height: 31.50cm

Princess Turandot staged by the Third Studio of the Moscow Art Academic Theatre named after Evgeny Vakhtangov / Гоцци Карло., Принцесса Турандот. В постановке третьей студии Московского Художественного Академического Театра имени Евгения Вахтангова. Театрально-трагическая китайская сказка в 5 актах. The book features the history of the production, articles about Vakhtangov's Turandot, the translation of Carlo Gozzi's Princess Turandot theatrical-tragic Chinese fairy tale in 5 acts from Italian to Russian, a program of the first performance, sketches of scenery and costumes, photographs of artists, music for the play Turandot. Cover, vignettes, and set designs by Ignatiy Nivinsky. Published by the State Publishing House, Moscow. Good condition, tears, browning, re-bound. 222 pages.

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