> > Ekran Screen #46 1927
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Ekran Screen #46 1927

M Myazdrikov

  • Year: 1927
  • Country: Russia
  • Language: Russian
  • Movement: Constructivism
  • Subject: Current Affairs
  • Dimensions: Width: 22.50cm Height: 31.00cm

Constructivist magazine Ekran / Экран, issue number 46, 1927. The ‘working newspaper’. Weekly magazine on recent developments in the USSR and abroad. An image of Paul Charles Vaillant-Couturier (1892-1937), a French writer and communist activist on the cover, the issue includes the short story Fed'ka by Moisey Altshuler, articles about Genoa in Italy, Lenin village in Bethnal Green, London, images of Saint Petersburg - new Leningrad, article about Ujaku Akita / Tokuzo Akita, a Japanese author and Esperantist, illustrations by M Myazdrikov showing the outcomes of Industrialisation Loan, Sinyaya Bluza / Blue Blouse an influential agitprop theatre collective in the early Soviet Union. Good condition, pencil marks, some rubbings and staining. 16 pages.

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