> > Red Field Krasnaya Niva #19
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Red Field Krasnaya Niva #19

Stenberg Brothers

  • Year: 1928
  • Country: Russia
  • Language: Russian
  • Movement: Constructivism
  • Subject: Current Affairs
  • Dimensions: Width: 22.50cm Height: 29.50cm

Soviet Magazine Красная Нива (Krasnaya Niva / Red Field), issue number 19, 6th May 1928. Krasnaya Niva was a weekly satirical magazine, first published by the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union in 1922. The cover features an illustration titled Mirror of the Soviet Public by Sternberg 2, Vladimir Stenberg (1899-1982) and Georgii Stenberg (1900-1933), Russian avant-garde Soviet artists and designers. This edition includes the articles ‘Builder Armed with a Pen’, ‘Room 622’, 'Fourth Estate', 'From the Friendly Embrace of England to the Arrival of Amanullah Khan in the USSR' a story titled Grain by Pavel Sukhotin, as well as a poem 'Newspaper' by Aduyev. List of some artwork inside: a painting 'Comrade Ukhanov' Chairman of the Moscow Council from a portrait of Della-Vos-Kardovskaya; a caricature 'Before a new Trip' by Ratilov; a drawing 'Face of the Bourgeois Press' by Frans Masereel; Comrade Ordzhonikidze from the portrait by E Lanceray; caricature 'Words and Thoughts about Criticism' by B Yefimov. Good condition, loose pages, light browning. 21 pages.

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