> > Red Field Krasnaya Niva #18
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Red Field Krasnaya Niva #18

Y Pimenov

  • Year: 1928
  • Country: Russia
  • Language: Russian
  • Movement: Constructivism
  • Subject: Current Affairs
  • Dimensions: Width: 22.50cm Height: 29.50cm

Soviet Magazine Красная Нива (Krasnaya Niva / Red Field), issue number 18, 29th April 1928. Krasnaya Niva was a weekly satirical magazine, first published by the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union in 1922. The cover features an illustration titled Industrial Spring by Y Pimenov. This edition includes the poem Iron Dream by Pyotr Oreshin with photographs of iron rolling at the Verkh Isetsky plant in Sverdlovsk, foundry steel casting at the Leningrad plant Krasny Putilovets, blast furnaces at the plant named after Dzerzhinsky in Kamenskoye Donbas, furnaces for burning iron at the GET Metal plant; articles 'On Labour', 'Ways of industrial restructuring of the USSR', 'Chemistry and Industry' bt PP Lazarev, 'Seven Hour Working Day' by L Slavin, 'Steel Working Week' by Petrov, 'Five Years of MGSPS Theatre' by Orlinsky, the story 'May' by Aleksey Okulov, a centrefold map of USSR Industrialisation, a cartoon on Paper Industry Develops Capital Construction by Cheremnykh. Very good condition, with minor ink stains on the front cover, and a small ink stamp on the back cover. 24 pages.

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