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  • Year: 1927
  • Country: Russia
  • Language: Russian
  • Movement: Constructivism
  • Subject: Cinema
  • Dimensions: Width: 11.10cm Height: 14.70cm

Pamphlet is about life and career of Lev Kuleshov, Russian and Soviet filmmaker and film theorist, one of the founders of the world's first film school, the Moscow Film School. He was intimately involved in development of the style of film making known as Soviet montage, especially its psychological underpinning, including the use of editing to emotionally influence the audience, a principle known as the Kuleshov effect. Written by Mikhail Levidov, USSR Journalist, author. Constructivist cover. Contains photographs and stills from the movies. Published by Kinopechat, 20 000 copies. Good condition, minor staining, cancelled library stamp on the inside cover, small pen handwriting on the top left corner of the cover, loss of paper on the bottom right corner. 16 pages.

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