> How the 14th Division Went to Paradise Kak 14 Diviziya v Rai Shla
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How the 14th Division Went to Paradise Kak 14 Diviziya v Rai Shla

M Cheremnykh

  • Year: 1923
  • Country: Russia
  • Language: Russian
  • Movement: Other
  • Subject: Fiction
  • Dimensions: Width: 19.00cm Height: 27.00cm

"How the 14th Division Went to Paradise" is a fiction story written by Demiyan Bednyi. The book was illustrated by M Cheremnyh, Soviet graphic artist, cartoonist, book illustrator, poster master. One of the creators of magazine "Crocodile" (1922), member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1958). In 1949-1962 he taught at the Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov. He collaborated with such magazines as “Atheist at the Machine”, “Laughter”. Poor condition. Paperback. Frayed spine, rubbings, staining. The cover and pages are reinforced with the white tape throughout the book. Detached cover. Pencil remarks on the front and back cover. Tears and loss of material on margins. Partly cut out page 12. Published by satirical magazine "Crocodile".

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