> Red Field Krasnaya Niva #50 1928
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Red Field Krasnaya Niva #50 1928

S Pavlov, P Alyakrinsky, D Debabov, N Petrov

  • Year: 1928
  • Country: Russia
  • Language: Russian
  • Movement: Constructivism
  • Subject: News, Art, Literature
  • Dimensions: Width: 22.50cm Height: 29.50cm

Soviet weekly magazine Red Field, issue №46, 25 Nov 1928. First published in 1922 by the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union. This issue contains story "Masha" by A. Aleshyn, "N.G. Chernushevsky and his time" by Yurgis, essay "Monkey's house" by N. Kalm, essay "In Irkutsk' county" by S Osmushin, "Canton commune" by M. Baranovsky, "Kalganovsky mansion" by S. Alumov, article " F.I. Tyutchev. 125 years anniversary", Franz Schubert. 100 years since death" by E. Braudo, "Genghis khan's descendant" by N. Volkov, and "Satire and humour". Illustrated by various artists including S. Pavlov, N. Petrovб P. Alyakrinsky, Soviet graphic artist, poster artist, illustrator, Honoured Artist of the RSFSR and D. Debabov, Soviet photographer and journalist. Published by "Izvestij TSIK USSR and VTSIK", 110 000 copies. Poor condition, cover and some pages are detached or partially detached. Loss of material, tears and rubbings on the spine and on the margins. Staining, dusting, minor bent of the corners. Faded cancelled library stamp on the back cover. Staples are missing. Was part of bound yearly volume. 24 pages.

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