> Stroyim - We Are Building #23-24 1937
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Stroyim - We Are Building #23-24 1937

M Kalashnikov, A Sterenberg, N Troshin, G Zelma, L Leonid, M Gershman, A Bat, B Ignatovich, Y Dubrovsky, F Kislov, S Fridlyand, B Dorofeyev, V Rukovich, M Ozersky, M Kalashnikov, B Vdovenko, N Kuleshov, A Gagarin, V Chemko, A Shaihet

  • Year: 1937
  • Country: Russia
  • Language: Russian
  • Movement: Constructivism
  • Subject: USSR, Photography
  • Dimensions: Width: 31.50cm Height: 45.00cm

Issues #23-24 of Stroyim (We Are Building), a Soviet photojournalism magazine. Published in 1937. The joint issues are devoted to 'the best photos of 1937', and feature artists including A Shaihet, N Troshkin, S Alpertin and G Petrusov. Photos depict a variety of scenes and subjects, including: Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov and Yezhov voting in a polling station; a crowd gathering in a factory before an election; an engineer working on the propellors of a plane; children at their first day of school; young people dancing on a kolkhoz in Moldova; parachutists descending from the sky; soldiers standing in formation. Poor condition, paper loss on cover and page margins, tears, creasing, foxing.

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